Visit us at the IPPE in Atlanta, USA
With IPPE upcoming, we are happy to announce our presence together with Ottevanger Milling Engineers & Anderson Feed Technology from January 24 – 26 in Atlanta, USA
With IPPE upcoming, we are happy to announce our presence together with Ottevanger Milling Engineers & Anderson Feed Technology from January 24 – 26 in Atlanta, USA
Happy to announce our presence at VIV Asia together with the Triott group of companies. We look forward to hear about your projects and to discuss our possibilities how to improve the quality of your feed with our expander and extruder technology!
Besides our existing expander and single screw extruder range we can also show you more details of our new AXT single screw extruder, a joint development with the Triott development Center(TDC).
See you at hall 2 – booth 3142 March 8-10 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Download our latest factsheet about our AXT extruder.
Almex is producent van extruders en expanders. Onze klanten zitten wereldwijd en gebruiken deze machines o.a. voor de productie van petfood, mengvoer en visvoer.
Voor de organisatie zijn wij op zoek naar een SERVICE MONTEUR
Almex zal deelnemen aan EuroTier 2024, de toonaangevende beurs voor de internationale veehouderij en diervoederindustrie. Wij presenteren onze nieuwste technologieën en oplossingen op het gebied van geëxtrudeerde en geconditioneerde diervoeders, gericht op efficiëntie en duurzaamheid in de sector.
In response to customer demand, the Triott Group is to launch a two-part Feed Forward Conditioning Special next month – the first of which focuses on demistifying the steam dosing process.
Several scientific studies and proven results at clients such as UFA, Deuka, Fanon, Agravis, Vitelia, Mironovsky and others show that expander technology is an absolute addition to a modern feed mill as a tool to fulfill the wide range of needs at clients to supply different feedstuffs for the different life stages of animals.
The VIV Asia in Bangkok is being held from March 13 till March 15 and of course Almex Extrusion Techniques will be present with our own booth (H101.2550).
VIV Asia is the number 1 International trade show from feed to food for the Asian market. It’s organized every 2 years in Bangkok, located in the heart of the Asian booming markets. For the 2019 edition around 1250 international exhibitors and 50.000 visitors from all over the world are expected. VIV Asia 2019 covers all animal species including pig, dairy, fish and shrimp, poultry broilers and layers, cattle and calves.
We hope to welcome you at our booth where our Area Sales Managers can tell you everything there is to know about Almex’s extrusion solutions while enjoying a cup of coffee or a refreshment.
Practical Information
Wednesday, 13 March, 2019 – Friday 15 March, 2019
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
Almex Extrusion Techniques
Booth nr. H101.2550
Opening Times VIV Asia
Daily from 10:00 – 18:00
Lees nu het artikel over Almex dat in De Molenaar is verschenen.
Almex zal deelnemen aan EuroTier 2024, de toonaangevende beurs voor de internationale veehouderij en diervoederindustrie. Wij presenteren onze nieuwste technologieën en oplossingen op het gebied van geëxtrudeerde en geconditioneerde diervoeders, gericht op efficiëntie en duurzaamheid in de sector.